Kalervonkatu 7 A 9
40100 Jyväskylä
The customer register stores the customer's first name, last name, street address, zip code, post office, country, e-mail address, telephone number, language used when shopping online and currency used when shopping online. The business customer's company name, social security number and tax code are also recorded.
In addition, the information provided by the customer when ordering, such as the products of the order, payment method and delivery method, is stored in the order information of the online store.
Personal data is used:
The legal basis for processing personal data is a contract, consent or legitimate interest.
In the processing of personal data, the requirements set by the EU data protection regulation, which will be followed from 25 May 2018, have been taken into account.
Personal data is stored as long as it is necessary to fulfill the purposes of use of the register.
In addition, some information can be kept longer to the extent that it is necessary to fulfill the obligations set by law, such as accounting and consumer trade responsibilities.
To enable the operation of the online store, personal data is transferred to logistics and payment service partners.
As a customer, you have the following rights: